About Speedcubing

Speedcubing began in the late 1970s when Rubik's Cube was introduced to the world. Since then, people have been determined to not only solve the cube, but solve it continually faster.

The first registered Speedcubing competition was the 1982 World Championship held in Budapest, Hungary, the birthplace of the cube.

The World Cube Association was formed in 2003, and has held competitions every year since. Today, Speedcubing competitions take place in multiple countries every weekend, and it's not difficult to find one near you.

So how do I get started?

First of all, get yourself a cube. Conveniently enough, you're already in the right place! Crafty Cube stocks a wide range of competitively viable speed cubes, but our recommendation for beginners is the RS3M V5.

Once it arrives, scramble it! Play around with your new cube and have a feel of how it turns. See if you can solve it yourself (if you do, well done, not many people can do that).

After the cube is sufficiently scrambled, find a tutorial. We recommend this video from WIRED. Good luck!

Once you can solve the cube from memory, start timing yourself! There are a few different timers to be found online, including CSTimer and CubeDesk, as well as Twisty Timer for Android and CubeTime for iOS.

After that, just get comfortable solving the cube. Join some online communities for solvers and participate in online discussions. Learn from other more experienced solvers, and make some friends along the way. Then get onto the WCA website and get onto the final step.

Go to a competition. It doesn't matter how fast you are, most competitions have a 3x3 time limit of 5 to 10 minutes. Attending competitions is a great way to find other people passionate about speedcubing. Even if you're not confident competing just yet, or can't afford the registration fee, it's a great idea to go along to a competition just to meet people, try different puzzles, and get inspired to solve faster! Maybe you'll even see the Crafty Cube team there!

Good luck on your speedcubing adventure! We'll see you up ahead.